Parents Teachers Meet(Department of Commerce)
17th October, 2023
The Department of Commerce organised Parents
Teachers meet on the 17th Oct, 2023 at 10:30 p.m.
The meeting was conducted by Miss Vankhawpuimawii Pachuau, HOD, Department of Commerce and the meeting commenced after Sir Lalvenpuia Sailo had an opening prayer. Presentation on department activities and reports was done by Miss Vanlalkimliani. Miss C. Lalrinsangi gave a presentation on attendance and exam pattern and Miss C. Lalnunkimi had a presentation on NEP syllabus.
After the presentation, the department organised mentorship group meet where parents could have an interactive session with the student's respective mentor.
A short Q&A session was held and the meeting was concluded with a prayer by Sir R. Lalnunthara.

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